Source code for pyselfi.selfi

#!/usr/bin/env python
# pySELFI v2.0 -- src/pyselfi/
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Florent Leclercq.
# This file is part of the pySELFI distribution
# (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# The text of the license is located in the root directory of the source package.

"""Main class of the SELFI code.

__author__  = "Florent Leclercq"
__version__ = "2.0"
__date__    = "2018-2023"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

[docs]class selfi(object): """Main class of the SELFI code. Attributes ---------- fname : :obj:`str` name and address of the selfi output file on disk pool_prefix : :obj:`str` address and prefix of the simulation pools pool_suffix : :obj:`str` suffix of the simulation pools prior : :obj:`prior` the prior, defined as explained in the `SELFI documentation <../usage/new_model.html>`__ blackbox : :obj:`blackbox` the blackbox simulator, defined as explained in the `SELFI documentation <../usage/new_blackbox.html>`__ theta_0 : array, double, dimension=S expansion point in parameter space Ne : int number of simulations at the expansion point, to compute the covariance matrix Ns : int number of simulations per expansion direction in parameter space. (Ne may be larger than Ns, in which case only the first Ns simulations at the expansion point are used to compute the gradient) Delta_theta : double step size for finite differencing to compute the blackbox gradient in parameter space phi_obs : array, double, dimension=P the vector of observed data """ # Initialization def __init__(self,fname,pool_prefix,pool_suffix,prior,blackbox,theta_0,Ne,Ns,Delta_theta,phi_obs): """Initializes a selfi object. """ import h5py as h5 from pathlib import Path # Output files self.fname=fname f = Path(fname) if not f.is_file(): h5.File(fname,"w") self.pool_prefix=pool_prefix self.pool_suffix=pool_suffix # Observed data self.phi_obs=phi_obs # Prior setup self.prior=prior # Blackbox setup from pyselfi.likelihood import likelihood self.likelihood=likelihood(blackbox,theta_0,Ne,Ns,Delta_theta) ############################## # Methods related to the prior ##############################
[docs] def compute_prior(self): """Computes the prior. """ self.prior.compute()
[docs] def save_prior(self): """Saves the prior to the SELFI output file. """
[docs] def load_prior(self): """Loads the prior from the SELFI output file. """ self.prior.load(self.fname)
################################### # Methods related to the likelihood ###################################
[docs] def run_simulations(self, d=None, pool_prefix=None, pool_suffix=None, Ne=None, Ns=None, h=None): """Runs the necessary simulations for the likelihood. Parameters ---------- d : int or array of int, optional, default=None directions in parameter space, from 0 to S. If set to None, all simulations are run or loaded pool_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional, default=class value address and prefix of the filenames for simulation pools pool_suffix : :obj:`str`, optional, default=class value suffix of the filenames for simulation pools Ne : int, optional, default=class value number of simulations at the expansion point, to compute the covariance matrix. Ns : int, optional, default=class value number of simulations per expansion direction in parameter space h : double, optional, default=class value step size for finite differencing to compute the blackbox gradient in parameter space """ pool_prefix=pool_prefix or self.pool_prefix pool_suffix=pool_suffix or self.pool_suffix self.likelihood.run_simulations(pool_prefix,pool_suffix,d,Ne,Ns,h)
[docs] def compute_likelihood(self,Ns=None,h=None): """Computes the likelihood, assuming that the necessary simulations are available. Parameters ---------- Ns : int, optional, default=class value number of simulations per expansion direction in parameter space h : double, optional, default=class value step size for finite differencing to compute the blackbox gradient in parameter space """ self.likelihood.compute(Ns,h)
[docs] def save_likelihood(self): """Saves the likelihood to the SELFI output file. """
[docs] def load_likelihood(self): """Loads the likelihood from the SELFI output file. """ self.likelihood.load(self.fname)
################################## # Methods related to the posterior ##################################
[docs] def compute_posterior(self): """Computes the SELFI posterior, assuming that the prior and likelihood have been computed. """ from pyselfi.posterior import posterior self.posterior=posterior(self.prior.mean,self.prior.covariance,self.prior.inv_covariance,self.likelihood.f_0,self.likelihood.C_0,self.likelihood.inv_C_0,self.likelihood.grad_f,self.phi_obs) self.posterior.compute()
[docs] def save_posterior(self): """Saves the posterior to the SELFI output file. """
[docs] def load_posterior(self): """Loads the posterior from the SELFI output file. """ from pyselfi.posterior import posterior self.posterior=posterior.load(self.fname)
#end class(selfi)