Specifying a new statistical model

pySELFI makes it possible to include new statistical models, including in particular new (Gaussian) priors and new methods for the core architecture (such as prior optimization, described in Leclercq et al. 2019).

The code for new statistical models can go into new python modules, placed for example in a subdirectory of src/pyselfi/ such as src/pyselfi/power_spectrum/, which is provided within the code.

Adding a new prior can be done by defining a new class prior. This class shall have a method compute() (not taking any argument except self). The only requirement is that after compute() has been called by the pySELFI core infrastructure, three attributes have been defined (by the constructor, by methods called by compute(), or by compute() itself):

  • self.mean: an array of size \(S\) giving the prior mean (recall that in the SELFI algorithm, the prior mean shall also be the expansion point \(\boldsymbol{\theta}_0\), so consistency is required here),

  • self.covariance: an array of size \(S \times S\) giving the prior covariance matrix \(\textbf{S}\),

  • self.inv_covariance: an array of size \(S \times S\) giving the prior inverse covariance matrix \(\textbf{S}^{-1}\),

The prior class shall also have a method save() (with arguments self, fname) and a class method load() (with arguments cls, fname) to save to and load prior data from the pySELFI hdf5 output file (in particular the three mandatory attributes, see above). Instances of the new prior class can then be used to define and manipulate selfi objects, as described in this page. Working examples of prior classes can be found in src/pyselfi/power_spectrum/prior.py and src/pyselfi/lotkavolterra/prior.py.

Adding new features to pySELFI can simply be done by defining a child of the selfi class and using it instead of the parent class. Working examples of child selfi classes can be found in src/pyselfi/power_spectrum/selfi.py and src/pyselfi/lotkavolterra/selfi.py.

Prior class template

A template for a new prior class is provided below and downloadable here: new_blackbox.py.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# pySELFI v2.0 -- src/pyselfi_examples/templates/new_prior.py
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Florent Leclercq.
# This file is part of the pySELFI distribution
# (https://github.com/florent-leclercq/pyselfi/)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# The text of the license is located in the root directory of the source package.

"""Template for a new prior for pySELFI

__author__  = "Florent Leclercq"
__version__ = "2.0"
__date__    = "2018-2023"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

class new_prior(object):
    """This class represents a SELFI prior.

    **kwargs : dictionary, optional
        any prior dependency, such as support wavenumbers/multipoles, or statistical hyperparameters


    # Initialization
    def __init__(self,kwargs):
        """Initializes a prior object.
        for key, value in kwargs.items():

    def some_property(self):
        """type: A property of the prior

        # DO SOMETHING
        return result

    def _private_method(self, **args):
        """A private method of the prior class.

        # DO SOMETHING
        return result

    def compute(self):
        """Computes the prior (mean, covariance matrix and its inverse).
        # Set the mandatory attributes, if not they have not already been set by the constructor:
        self.mean = self._get_mean()
        self.covariance = self._get_covariance()
        self.inv_covariance = self._get_inverse_covariance()

    def save(self,fname):
        """Saves the prior to an output file.

        fname : :obj:`str`
            output filename

        import h5py as h5
        import numpy as np
        from ctypes import c_double
        from pyselfi.utils import PrintMessage, save_replace_dataset, save_replace_attr

        PrintMessage(3, "Writing prior in data file '{}'...".format(fname))

        with h5.File(fname, 'r+') as hf:
            # Save interesting hyperparameters as follows, if needed
            save_replace_attr(hf, '/prior/some_hyperparameter', self.some_hyperparameter, dtype=c_double)

            # Save here any other interesting prior attribute as follows, if needed
            save_replace_dataset(hf, '/prior/some_array', data=self.some_array, maxshape=(None,), dtype=c_double)

            # Save mandatory attributes: mean, covariance and inv_covariance
            save_replace_dataset(hf, '/prior/mean', data=self.mean, maxshape=(None,), dtype=c_double)
            save_replace_dataset(hf, '/prior/covariance', data=self.covariance, maxshape=(None, None), dtype=c_double)
            save_replace_dataset(hf, '/prior/inv_covariance', data=self.inv_covariance, maxshape=(None, None), dtype=c_double)

        PrintMessage(3, "Writing prior in data file '{}' done.".format(fname))

    def load(cls,fname):
        """Loads the prior from an input file.

        fname : :obj:`str`
            input filename

        prior : :obj:`prior`
            loaded prior object

        import h5py as h5
        import numpy as np
        from ctypes import c_double
        from pyselfi.utils import PrintMessage
        PrintMessage(3, "Reading prior in data file '{}'...".format(fname))

        with h5.File(fname,'r') as hf:
            # Load here any mandatory parameter to call the class constructor as follows, if needed
            some_array=np.array(hf.get('/prior/some_array'), dtype=c_double)

            # Call the class constructor
            prior=cls(kwargs) #kwargs can depend on some_hyperparameter, some_array, etc.

            # Load any other parameter, in particular the mandatory attributes (mean, covariance and inv_covariance), if they are not already defined at this point
            prior.mean = np.array(hf.get('prior/mean'), dtype=c_double)
            prior.covariance = np.array(hf.get('/prior/covariance'), dtype=c_double)
            prior.inv_covariance = np.array(hf.get('/prior/inv_covariance'), dtype=c_double)

        PrintMessage(3, "Reading prior in data file '{}' done.".format(fname))
        return prior
#end class(prior)

Selfi class template

A template for a new child_selfi class is provided below and downloadable here: new_selfi.py.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# pySELFI v2.0 -- src/pyselfi_examples/templates/new_selfi.py
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Florent Leclercq.
# This file is part of the pySELFI distribution
# (https://github.com/florent-leclercq/pyselfi/)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# The text of the license is located in the root directory of the source package.

"""Template for a new "selfi" for pySELFI

__author__  = "Florent Leclercq"
__version__ = "2.0"
__date__    = "2018-2023"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

from pyselfi import selfi

class child_selfi(selfi):
    """This class represents a child "selfi" object.

    def additional_method(self, **kwargs):
        """An additional method for "selfi" objects

        **kwargs : dictionary, optional
            any argument

        return result

# end class(child_selfi)