Specifying a new blackbox simulator

One of the key features of the SELFI algorithm is its likelihood-free nature, which implies its ability to deal with arbitrary simulators as data models, i.e. blackboxes.

In pySELFI, new blackbox simulators can be defined by the user in a new python module, as a class named blackbox.

The constructor for blackbox objects shall initialize \(P\) (the dimension of summaries space, only mandatory attribute), as well as any other attribute. Its prototype shall therefore be:

def __init__(self, P, **kwargs):
    # Other initializations

The only requirement for a blackbox class to work with the pySELFI core infrastructure is a method named compute_pool() with the following prototype and returning a pool object:

def compute_pool(self, theta, d, pool_fname, N):
    from pyselfi.pool import pool
    # Compute the simulations going into the pool
    return p

The arguments (handed by pySELFI) are theta (a \(S\)-dimensional vector of input parameters), d (the expansion index: \(0\) for the expansion point and \(1\) to \(S\) for all possible directions in parameter space), the pool filename pool_fname, and the required number of blackbox realizations N.

Instances of the new blackbox class can then be used to define and manipulate selfi objects, as described in this page.

Working examples of blackbox classes can be found in src/pyselfi_examples/grf/model/blackbox_GRF.py, src/pyselfi_examples/simbelmyne/model/blackbox_SBMY.py, or src/pyselfi_examples/lotkavolterra/model/blackbox_LV.py.

Blackbox class template

A more extensive template for a new blackbox class is provided below and downloadable here: new_blackbox.py.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# pySELFI v2.0 -- src/pyselfi_examples/templates/new_blackbox.py
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Florent Leclercq.
# This file is part of the pySELFI distribution
# (https://github.com/florent-leclercq/pyselfi/)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# The text of the license is located in the root directory of the source package.

"""Template for a new blackbox for pySELFI

__author__  = "Florent Leclercq"
__version__ = "2.0"
__date__    = "2018-2023"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

class blackbox(object):
    """This class represents a SELFI blackbox.

    P : int
        number of output summary statistics. This is the only mandatory argument
    **kwargs : dictionary, optional
        any other argument


    # Initialization
    def __init__(self, P, **kwargs):
        """Initializes the blackbox object.
        for key, value in kwargs.items():

    def _private_method(self, **args):
        """A private method of the blackbox class.

        # DO SOMETHING
        return result

    def make_auxiliary_needed_product(self, **args):
        """Produces any auxiliary product needed, such as a survey geometry file

        #DO SOMETHING...

    def make_data(self, **args):
        """Evaluates the blackbox to make mock data.

        Phi : array, double, dimension=P
            vector of summary statistics


        # DO SOMETHING
        Phi = self._private_method(args)
        # DO SOMETHING

        return Phi

    def evaluate(self, theta, **args):
        """Evaluates the blackbox from an input vector of parameters.

        theta : array, double, dimension=S
            vector of input parameters

        Phi : array, double, dimension=P
            vector of summary statistics


        # DO SOMETHING
        Phi = self._private_method(args)
        # DO SOMETHING

        return Phi

    def compute_pool(self, theta, d, pool_fname, N, **args):
        """Computes a pool of realizations of the blackbox. A method compute_pool with this prototype is the only mandatory method.

        theta : array, double, dimension=S
            vector of input parameters
        d : int
            direction in parameter space, from 0 to S
        pool_fname : :obj:`str`
            pool file name
        N : int
            number of realizations required

        p : :obj:`pool`
            simulation pool

        from pyselfi.pool import pool

        # Run N evaluations of the blackbox at the desired point
        while not p.finished:
            i = p.N_sims+1
            Phi = self.evaluate(theta, args) # args will contain d,i,N, etc.
            # It can be convenient to define a variable save_frequency, otherwise one can just call p.save() after every blackbox evaluation
            if i%self.save_frequency==0:

        return p
#end class(blackbox)