Lotka-Volterra system inference

The Lotka-Volterra model

The Lotka-Volterra model (found in src/pyselfi/lotkavolterra/) defines a prior (lotkavolterra.prior) and a selfi child class (lotkavolterra.selfi). The lotkavolterra.selfi class allows optimization of prior hyperparameters (see sections II.C and II.E in Leclercq et al. 2019, respectively).

The prior for time-dependent smooth functions

The class lotkavolterra.prior introduces a prior for time-dependent smooth functions. Let \(x(t_i)\) be the number function of prey and \(y(t_i)\) be the number function of predators at timesteps \(t_i\), with initially \(x_0 \equiv x(t_0)\) and \(y_0 \equiv y(t_0)\).

The prior on \(\left\lbrace \left\lbrace x(t_i) \right\rbrace, \left\lbrace y(t_i) \right\rbrace \right\rbrace\) is a Gaussian with mean \(\boldsymbol{\theta}_0\) (a fiducial population number function) and covariance matrix \(\textbf{S} = \alpha_\mathrm{norm}^2 \textbf{V} \circ \textbf{K}\) (where \(\circ\) is the Hadamard product), such that: \(\textbf{K} = \begin{pmatrix} \textbf{K}_x & \textbf{0} \\ \textbf{0} & \textbf{K}_y \end{pmatrix}\), \((\textbf{K}_z)_{ij} = -\dfrac{1}{2} \left( \dfrac{t_i-t_j}{t_\mathrm{smooth}} \right)^2\) for \(z \in \left\lbrace x,y \right\rbrace\), \(\textbf{V} = \begin{pmatrix} x_0 \textbf{u}\textbf{u}^\intercal & \textbf{0} \\ \textbf{0} & y_0 \textbf{u}\textbf{u}^\intercal \end{pmatrix}\), \((\textbf{u})_i = 1 + \dfrac{t_i}{t_\mathrm{chaos}}\).

The prior is characterized by 3 hyperparameters:

  • \(\alpha_\mathrm{norm}\) is the overall amplitude,

  • \(t_\mathrm{smooth}\) is a typical time characterizing the smoothness of the population functions,

  • \(t_\mathrm{chaos}\) is a typical time characterizing the chaotic behaviour of the system.

It is used like this:

from pyselfi.lotkavolterra.prior import lotkavolterra_prior
alpha_norm = 0.02
t_smooth = 1.6
t_chaos = 8.2

t_s is a vector containing the support wavenumbers, X0 and Y0 are the initial conditions, and theta_0 is the desired prior mean (which should correspond to the expansion point for the effective likelihood). t_s and theta_0 shall be both of size \(S\).

The SELFI model

The model is used like this:

from pyselfi.lotkavolterra.selfi import lotkavolterra_selfi

where LV is a LVsimulator (introduced by lotkavolterra_simulator).

The main computations (calculation of the effective likelihood) are done using:


Once the effective likelihood has been characterized, the prior can be later modified without having to rerun any simulation, for example:

alpha_norm = 0.05
t_smooth = 2.1

The prior can be optimized using a set of fiducial simulations theta_fid:

selfi.optimize_prior(theta_fid, x0,
                     alpha_norm_min, alpha_norm_max,
                     t_smooth_min, t_smooth_max,
                     t_chaos_min, t_chaos_max)

Check for model misspecification and score compression

The Mahalanobis distance between the posterior mean and the prior can be used to check for model misspecification (see Leclercq 2022). It is obtained using

Mahalanobis = selfi.Mahalanobis_ms_check()

A score compressor for top-level parameters can be obtained without having to rerun any simulation. It is obtained using

selfi.compute_grad_f_omega(t, t_s, tres, Delta_omega)
omega_tilde = selfi.score_compression(phi_obs)

For more details see the example notebook (selfi_LV.ipynb) and check the API documentation (pyselfi.lotkavolterra.prior, pyselfi.lotkavolterra.selfi).

Inference of top-level parameters

The Fisher-Rao distance between two points in top-level parameter space can be obtained using:

Fdist = selfi.FisherRao_distance(omega_tilde1, omega_tilde2)

It can be used for example, within likelihood-free rejection sampling (Approximate Bayesian Computation, ABC). See the example notebook ABC_LV.ipynb.

Blackbox using lotkavolterra_simulator

A blackbox using the lotkavolterra_simulator code is available in the package pyselfi_examples installed with the code. It is defined as an instance of the class blackbox_LV.blackbox (see Leclercq 2022 for details):

from pyselfi_examples.lotkavolterra.model.blackbox_LV import blackbox
# correct data model
bbA=blackbox(P, X0=X0, Y0=Y0, seed=seed, fixnoise=fixnoise, model=0,
             Xefficiency=Xefficiency0, Yefficiency=Yefficiency0,
             threshold=threshold, mask=mask, obsP=obsP,
             obsQ=obsQ, obsR=obsR0, obsS=obsS, obsT=obsT)
# misspecified data model
bbB=blackbox(P, X0=X0, Y0=Y0, seed=seed, fixnoise=fixnoise, model=1,
             mask=mask, obsR=obsR1)

See the API documentation for the description of arguments, and the file src/pyselfi_examples/lotkavolterra/model/setup_LV.py for an example.

Synthetic observations to be used in the inference can be generated using the method make_data():

phi_obs = bbA.make_data(theta_true, seed=seed)

The blackbox object also contains the method compute_pool() with the necessary prototype (see this page), as well as a method evaluate() to generate individual realizations from any vector of input parameters \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\).

A full worked-out example using the Lotka-Volterra blackbox is available in this notebook.